
By Guilly



¼ lb (113g) or ½ lb (226g) puff pastry or any left-over pastry

Grated cheese

Cayenne pepper

White of egg


Roll pastry to about ¼ inch thick. Cut in strips 4 inch long.

Lay each strip neatly on unbuttered baking sheet.

Dip a knife in hot water and cut the pastry in thin strips ¼ to ½ inch wide making then ¼ inch by 4 inch. Press knife straight down when cutting pastry, and not push the knife like when cutting a piece of bread.

Do not separate the strips at all. They will not stick together, for when baking the pastry will shrink.

Bake in a very hot over for 10 minutes or a little more.

When done, brush with slightly beaten white or the egg, and immediately sprinkle grated cheese with a dash of cayenne and salt.

Put back in the over for a minute or two to dry.

When ready put on wire tray to cool, then put in airtight tin.
