Homemade Museli Bars

I have been experimenting with home made lunchbox treats. This uses store bought rolled oats based muesli. The idea is to get one thats got lots of dried fruit in there. Make sure it is low in sugar and sodium and obviously no nuts for school safety as well.

1 1/2 cups muesli
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup honey

Preheat oven to 120c
Melt the butter and honey, I zap it in the microwave.
Put the muesli in a large bowl and mix while pouring in the liquid in batches.
Put the mixture in a baking paper lined tray and pat down with a spoon to compress.
Bake for 15 mins.
When it's cooled I cut into large squares but still leave it in the tray and set in freezer to harden the honey.
After a while it will be hard and I can take the squares out into an airtight container.
