Ferrero Roche cake (draft)
2 egg whites
75g caster sugar
32g ground hazelnuts
hazelnut cream wafers (e.g. knoppers) chopped
bag powder
parchment paper
140C 40 mins
do a shape to match the cake shape as it's the 3rd layer. do some little hershey cake like shapes for decoration
Choc sponge
3 eggs
225g butter milk
225 ml cold coffee
195g oil
325g plain flour
60g cocoa powder
1tsp bicarb
1/2 txp salt
345g caster sugar
whisk wet ingredients
sift dry ingredients
hazelnut 1/2 ?? essense?
280g sof unsalted butter - whip till pale
500g icing sugar - add in batches
1.5 tbs halzenut paste, e.g. nutella
1-3 tablespoon milk
pince of salt
200g 50% choc
100g unsalted butter
100g double cream
met choc and butter together, take off heat.
add double cream
80g choc
60g double cream
met choc take off heat.
add double cream
2 chopped roasted hazelnuts
top and bottom layer is cake
middle layer is meranuge
use buttercream in between.
top with ganache, covered hazlenuts, meranuge kisses
Combination of a few cake recipies online, a key source is Cupcake Jemma.
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